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마틴 그로스하임 교수(1963.9.18 생), 2019. 3. 1. 부임

Martin Grossheim

주소14동 608호


  • M7. Co-author. Modernes Vietnamesisch II – Tiếng Việt hiện đại 1. Sprachkurs auch zum Selbststudium [Modern Vietnamese II], Berlin: Regiospectra, 2019, 266 pp.
  • M6. Co-author. Modernes Vietnamesisch 1 – Tiếng Việt hiện đại 1. Sprachkurs auch zum Selbststudium [Modern Vietnamese I], Berlin: Regiospectra, 2014 (2nd. ed. 2015), 451 pp.
  • M5. Ho Chi Minh. Der geheimnisvolle Revolutionär. Leben und Legende [Ho Chi Minh. The Mysterious Revolutionary. Life and Legend], Munich: Beck, 2011, 190 pp.
  • M4. Co-author. Die Heuschrecke tritt den Elefanten oder David gegen Goliath. Vietnamesisch-deutsche Sprichwörter und Redensarten im Vergleich [The Grasshopper Hits the Elephant or David Against Goliath. Vietnamese-German Proverbs and Sayings in Comparison], Berlin: Regiospectra, 2011, 161 pp.
  • M3. Die Partei und der Krieg: Debatten und Dissens in Nordvietnam [The Party and the War: Debates and Dissent in North Vietnam], Berlin: Regiospectra, 2009, 281 pp.
  • M2. Nordvietnamesische Dorfgemeinschaften: Kontinuität und Wandel.Vom Beginn der Kolonialzeit bis zum Ende der Vietnamkriege [North Vietnamese Village Communities: Continuity and Change. From the Beginning of the Colonial Period till the End of the Vietnam Wars]. Hamburg: Publications of the Institute of Asian Studies, No.282, 1997, 328 pp.
  • M1. Das vietnamesische Dorf und seine Transformation in der französischen Kolonialzeit [The Vietnamese Village and its Transformation during the French Colonial Period], Passau: Publications of the Dept. of Southeast Asian Studies, Passau University, Vol.4., 1997, 188 pp.

Edited Volumes

  • Co-editor. Modernes Vietnamesisch II: Regiospectra Verlag Berlin, 2019.
  • EV2. Co-editor. Vietnam, Regional Integration and the Asian Financial Crisis. Passau: Passau Contributions to Southeast Asian Studies, 2001, 181 pp.
  • EV1. Co-editor. Nationalism and Cultural Revival in Southeast Asia: Perspectives from the Centre and the Region, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997, 272 pp.

Journal Articles(peer-reviewed)

  • Celebrating the Socialist Past: The Vietnamese ‘Memory Machine’ at Work, 인문논총, 2020: 327-356.
  • Der lange Weg zum Frieden: Das Pariser Vietnam–Abkommen von 1973, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 2019: 308-325.
  • A10. „The East German ‘Stasi’ and Vietnam: A Contribution to an Entangled History of the Cold War, The International History Review 2019: 1-18 (published online: https://doi.org/10.1080/07075332.2019.1666893)

Chapters in Books

  • C14. „Die Kommunistische Partei Vietnams und der Kampf um die Geschichte“ [The Communist Party of Vietnam and the Struggle for History], in: Jörg Wischermann and Gerhard Will (eds.). Vietnam. Mythen und Wirklichkeiten [Vietnam. Myths and Realities], Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2018: 42-62.
  • C13. “Đổi mới trong lớp học? Lịch sử Việt Nam trong sách giáo khoa Việt Nam” [Reform in the Classroom? Vietnamese History in Textbooks], in: Việt Nam sau 30 năm đổi mới. Thành tựu và triển vọng [Vietnam after 30 years of Reform. Achievements and Perspectives], Hanoi: NXB Hồng Đức, 2016: 135-144.
  • C12. “Land Surveys in North Vietnam during the French colonial period”, in: Trần Văn Thọ, Nguyễn Quang Ngọc and Philippe Papin (eds.). Nhân cách sử học [The Personality of a Historian], Hanoi: NXB Chính trị Quốc gia, 2014: 372-398.
  • C11. “‘1954 verlor der Vater seine Heimat, 1975 verlor der Sohn sein Vaterland‘. Teilung, Flucht und Wiedervereinigung in Vietnam“ [‚In 1954 the Father Losts his Home, in 1975 he Lost his Fatherland‘. Division, Flight, and Reunification in Vietnam], in: Andreas Hilger/Oliver von Wrochem (eds.). Nationale Verluste und Identitäten im 20. Jahrhundert [National Losses and Identities in the 20th Century], Munich: De Gruyter (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Bd. 107) 2013: 97-113.
  • C10. “Ho Chi Minh – Die Konservierung einer Ikone“ [Ho Chi Minh – The Preservation of an Icon“], in: Thomas Großbölting und Rüdiger Schmidt (eds.). Der Tod des Diktators. Ereignis und Erinnerung im 20. Jahrhundert [The Death of the Dictator. Event and Memory in the Twentieth Century], Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011: 115-135.
  • C9. “The Year 1956 in Vietnamese Historiography and Popular Discourse: The Resilience of Myths”, in: Volker Grabowsky (Hrsg.). Southeast Asian Historiography. Unravelling the Myths. Essays in Honour of Barend Jan Terwiel, Bangkok: River Books, 2011: 306-316.
  • C8. “‘Über den Wolken‘: Vietnamesen zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam“ [“‘Above the Clouds‘: Vietnamese between Germany and Vietnam“], in: Pham Quang Minh (Hg.): Quan hệ Đức-Việt. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo kỷ niệm 35 năm Quan hệ Ngoại giao giữa Cộng hòa Liên Bang Đức và Cộng Hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam [German-Vietnamese Relations. Conference Proceedings on the 35th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam], Hanoi 2011: 29-37.
  • C7. “‘Nachts rauben die Banditen, tagsüber die Mandarine‘ – Korruption in Vietnam“ [At night the Bandits Rob, During the Day the Mandarins], in: Carola Söllner and Thomas Wünsch (eds.). Korruption im Wettstreit der Disziplinen. Allgemeine Grundlagen und Beispiele aus Osteuropa und Südostasien [Corruption in the Contest of Disciplines. General Basics and Test-cases from Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia], Passau: Schriftenreihe der Universität Passau, Heft 33, 2011: 85-93.
  • C6. “Local Government in Pre-colonial and Colonial Vietnam”, in: Benedict T. Kerkvliet and David G. Marr (eds.). Beyond Hanoi: Local government in contemporary Vietnam, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004: 54-89.
  • C5. “The Impact of Reforms on the Agricultural Sector: The Land Issue”, in: Bernhard Dahm (ed.). Vietnamese Villages in Transition. Background and Consequences of Reform Policies in Rural Vietnam, Passau: Publications of the Dept. of Southeast Asian Studies, Passau University, 1999: 89-120.
  • C4. Co-author. “The Development of the Educational Sector and Recent Trends in Primary Health Care on the Village Level”, in: Bernhard Dahm (ed.). Vietnamese Villages in Transition. Background and Consequences of Reform Policies in Rural Vietnam, Passau: Publications of the Dept. of Southeast Asian Studies, Passau University, 1999: 175-96.
  • C3. “The Communal Land System in Tonkin during the French Colonial Period”, in: John Kleinen and Philippe Papin (eds.). Liber Amicorum, Mélanges offerts au Professeur Phan Huy Le, Paris, 1999: 43-86.
  • C2. „Doi Moi auf dem Lande: Landreform, Kollektivierung und Auflösung von Kooperativen in zwei vietnamesischen Dörfern” [Doi Moi in the Countryside: Land Reform, Collectivization and Disintegration of Cooperatives in Two Vietnamese Villages], in: Gerhard Will and Vu Duy Tu (eds.). Vietnam’s New Position in Southeast Asia, Hamburg: Institute of Asian Studies, 1998: 35-51.
  • C1. “Village Laws (huong uoc) as a Source for Vietnamese Studies”, in Viet Nam. Sources et Approches. Actes du colloque international EUROVIET Aix-en-Provence 3-5 mai 1995, Aix-en-Provence, Philippe Le Failler and Jean Marie Mancini, eds., Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1996: 103-123.

Smaller Publications

  • SP21. “Südostasien”[SoutheastAsia],in:,ed.byLauraBusse,WilfriedEnderle,RüdigerHohls,ThomasMeyer, JensPrellwitz,AnnetteSchuhmann,2.ed.2018 :pp.D.71-1–D.71-23,onlineat  <https://guides.clio-online.de/guides/regionen/suedostasien/2018>.
  • . Web Resource for Clio-online], 2016, online at <https://guides.clio-online.de/guides/regionen/suedostasien/2016>.
  • SP19. Kriegsgedenken und gesellschaftliche Initiativen – Vietnam seit den 1970er Jahren [Remembrance of War and Societal Initiatives), Halle/Saale: Formenwandel der Bürgergesellschaft/Transformations of Civic Society], Nr. 23 – 07/2016, 36 pp. <http://wcms.itz.uni-halle.de/download.php?down=42714&elem=2980229>.
  • SP18. “‘Beat the Revisionists up!’: Politics and Culture in North Vietnam before and during the Vietnam War”, in: Modern East Asian History, Vol. 19, March 2016: 280-300.
  • SP17. Co-author. Kontinuität plus X: der 12. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei Vietnams [Continuity plus X: 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam]), Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Referat Asien und Pazifik, Februar 2016 <http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/12325.pdf>, 5 pp.
  • SP16. Co-author. Doi Moi 2.0? Vietnam vor dem 12. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei Vietnams [Doi Mòi 2.0? Vietnam before the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam], Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Oktober 2015 <http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/12030.pdf>, 10 pp.
  • SP15. “Fraternal Support: The East German ‘Stasi’ and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War,” Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, CWIHP Working Paper #71, 2014. <http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CWIHP_Working_Paper_71_E…, 38 pp (in Vietnamese: <http://nghiencuuquocte.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Nghiencuuquocte.ne…).
  • SP14. “The East German ‘Stasi’ and the Modernization of the Vietnamese Security Apparatus, 1965–1989”, Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center, CWIHP e-Dossier No. 51, 2014 <http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-east-german-%E2%80%9Cstasi%E….
  • SP13. Book review of Gary R. Hess. Vietnam: Explaining America’s Lost War (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing), for the Journal of Contemporary History, October 2010, 45: 899-901.
  • SP12. Book review of “Asian Cold War Symposium,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 40 (October 2009): 441-565,” for the H-DIPLO Roundtable, 25 June 2010, online at <www.h-net.org/~diplo/roundtables/PDF/Roundtable-XI-30.pdf).
  • SP11. Book review of Nghia M. Vo. The Vietnamese Boat People, 1954 and 1975-1992, (Jefferson, North Carolina and London, McFarland & Company 2006) for Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Vol. CLXV/1 (2009): 147-48.
  • . Web Resource for Clio-online, 2009, online at <http://www.clio-online.de/guides/suedostasien/grossheim2009>.
  • SP9. “Vergangenheitsbewältigung auf Vietnamesisch” [Coming to Terms with the Past in Vietnam), in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Politics and Contempary History], 27/2008, online at <http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/Y44ONW,0,Erinnerungsdebatten_in_Vietnam….
  • SP8. Landesinformationsportal Vietnam [Country Guide Vietnam. Web resource for GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fü Internationale Zusammarbeit], Germany, online at <http://liportal.inwent.org/vietnam.html>.
  • SP7. Book review of Christoph Giebel. Imagined Ancestries of Vietnamese Communism. Ton Duc Thang and the Politics of History and Memory (Seattle: University of Washington Press (Critical Dialogues in Southeast Asian Studies), 2004), for: Viet Nam Hoc Niên San, Annalen der Hamburger Vietnamistik (Yearbook of Hamburg Vietnamese Studies), 2 (2007): 121-123.
  • SP6. “Neue Forschung zum Vietnamkrieg: Die „Anti-Revisionismus-Affäre“ in Nordvietnam” [New Research on Vietnam: The „Anti-Revisionist-Affair in North Vietnam“], in: Pacific News, 26, Juli/August 2006: 14-15.
  • SP5. “Der Vietnamkrieg: ‘Vietnam Experience’ und Erinnerungskultur“ [The Vietnam War: ‘Vietnam Experience’ and Culture of Memory], in: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 2 (2005), H. 1, online at <http://www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de/16126041-Kommentar-Grossheim-1-2005>.
  • SP4. Book review of Emmanuel Poisson. Mandarins et subalternes au nord du Viet Nam; une bureaucracie à l’épreuve (1820-1918). (Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose (Collection „L’Asie en perspective“), 2004), for Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 161, 2/3, 2005: 369-369.
  • SP3. “Das festländische Südostasien – eine multiethnische Region“ [Mainland Southeast Asia – a Multi-ethnic Region], in: Geographische Rundschau (Geographical Review), Vol. 55, Jan. 2003, No.1: 46-50.
  • SP2. Book review of Rita Liljestroem et al. (eds.). Profit and Poverty in Rural Vietnam. Winners and Losers of a Dismantled Revolution (Richmond/Surrey: Curzon Press (NIAS Democracy in Asia Series, 3), in: Asien, 71, April 1999: 104-106.
  • SP1. “Studienaufenthalt in Vietnam” [Studying in Vietnam], in: Asien, No.30, January 1989: 113-118.